Lessons for Building a “Voluntary QA” Culture in Pharma & Biotech: Lesson 4: “Be a part of the team ….”

Lessons for Building a “Voluntary QA” Culture in Pharma & Biotech: Lesson 4: “Be a part of the team ….”

In my role, I help companies remain compliant and people remain sane. At the core of this, I must build trust and collaboration among many different people, and one way to achieve this is to build great teams.

Lessons for Building a “Voluntary QA” Culture in Pharma & Biotech Lesson 3: “Think like a teacher”

Lessons for Building a “Voluntary QA” Culture in Pharma & Biotech Lesson 3: “Think like a teacher”

Dictators don’t engage people they don’t focus on the “why,” only the “what.” They demand action, no questions asked. Educators, rather, engage people by focusing on helping them understand the “why” of Quality so they are better prepared and equipped to work on the “how.”

Lessons for Building a “Voluntary QA” Culture Lesson #2: “Fire Prevention vs. Firefighting”

Lessons for Building a “Voluntary QA” Culture Lesson #2: “Fire Prevention vs. Firefighting”

Quality – like fire prevention – is everyone’s responsibility. What happens when only firefighters (or Quality departments) are responsible? They run all over looking for fires, always on alert and in a constant state of crisis.

A Fire Extinguisher in the Corner: “Voluntary QA” Can Bulletproof Research Practices and Data Collection

A Fire Extinguisher in the Corner: “Voluntary QA” Can Bulletproof Research Practices and Data Collection

A great article in January’s Nature spells out what I believe to be a new movement in Quality Assurance (QA). The article discusses “Voluntary QA” and how it can: 1) Improve overall data Quality and research practices. 2) Develop research processes that prevent issues before they happen.