Setting a Successful Quality Strategy From Day One

Setting a Successful Quality Strategy From Day One

“Retrofitting quality into a biotech firm is the worst thing you can do … Thinking you can do quality later is the biggest lie people tell themselves.” — A Chief Science Officer Quality has a less than positive reputation in some corners. People see quality as something that can stifle progress. In fact, part of…

Why And How To Find A Better Quality Management Tool For Your GxP-Regulated Organization

Why And How To Find A Better Quality Management Tool For Your GxP-Regulated Organization

When it comes to GxP regulation, if it wasn’t documented, it didn’t happen … and that’s a problem for the quality teams who pour countless hours into keeping their companies compliant. When the auditor arrives, the only thing that matters is proof. Unfortunately, massive spreadsheets and stacks of paper files that take time to sift…